Timor Leste

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Timor Leste


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Find the latest news and information about the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, its government, and its relations with other countries. Learn about the Prime Minister, the Ministers, the Constitution, and the development plans of Timor-Leste.
2023-08-14 United Nations Agencies aligned with the priorities and Program of the 9th Constitutional Government. 2023-08-10 Timor-Leste celebrates the 56th ASEAN Day. 2023-08-10 Government submits Amending Budget Proposal to the National Parliament.
Students of Timor-Leste declare their aspirations for the elimination of child labour in Timor-Leste during the commemoration of WDACL on 12 June. A similar concern was also expressed by Izidoro Anderson Napoleão, Fátima Fernandes and Selvia Augusta Barros, another participating students. "The main root of child labour is poverty.
Laporan Reporter POS-KUPANG.COM, Dionisius Rebon POS-KUPANG.COM, KEFAMENANU - Polres Timor Tengah Utara berhasil mengamankan 43 karung berisi pakaian bekas yang diduga diselundupkan dari Timor Leste.. Dugaan penyeludupan 43 karung pakian bekas ini, ditanggapi Direktur Lembaga Anti Kekerasan Masyarakat Sipil atau Lakmas Cendana Wangi NTT, Victor Manbait, S. H.